A full-stack web app for students at PSUT to effortlessly swap courses and sections.
SwapClass is a personal project aimed at assisting students at my university (PSUT) in easily exchanging courses and sections with their peers. The platform streamlines the process of course and section swapping, making it the fastest and easiest way for students to manage their schedules. This full-stack web app features a sleek and attractive UI and a user-friendly UX. For the front end, I used Tailwind CSS, TypeScript, and Next.js. The backend and authentication are powered by Supabase and Next.js. I implemented complex validation mechanisms to ensure that only verified PSUT students can sign up, enhancing the platform’s security and reliability. The app supports CRUD functionality, allowing users to create, read, update, and delete course and section exchange requests.
Tailwind CSS, TypeScript, Next.js, Supabase